How serious is high D-dimer?

Author: Succeeder    

D-dimer is a degradation product of fibrin, which is often used in coagulation function tests. Its normal level is 0-0.5mg/L. The increase of D-dimer may be related to physiological factors such as pregnancy, or It is related to pathological factors such as thrombotic diseases, infectious diseases, and malignant tumors. It is recommended that patients go to the hospital's hematology department for treatment in time.

1. Physiological factors:
During pregnancy, hormone levels in the body will change, which can stimulate the degradation of fibrin to produce D-dimer, which can cause the increase of D-dimer in the blood, but it is generally within the normal range or slightly increased , which is a normal physiological phenomenon and generally does not require special treatment.

2. Pathological factors:
1. Thrombotic disease: If there is a thrombotic disease in the body, such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, etc., it may lead to abnormal blood function, make the blood in a hypercoagulable state, and stimulate the fibrinolytic system hyperactivity, resulting in D-dimerization The increase of fibrin degradation products such as body and other fibrin, which in turn leads to the increase of D-dimer in the blood. At this time, under the guidance of a doctor, recombinant streptokinase for injection, urokinase for injection and other drugs can be used for treatment to inhibit thrombus formation;

2. Infectious diseases: If there is a serious infection in the body, such as sepsis, the pathogenic microorganisms in the blood proliferate rapidly in the body, invade the tissues and organs of the whole body, destroy the microvascular system, and form capillary thrombosis in the whole body. It will lead to disseminated intravascular coagulation throughout the body, stimulate the enhancement of fibrinolytic function in the body, and cause the increase of D-dimer in the blood. At this time, the patient can use anti-infective drugs such as cefoperazone sodium and sulbactam sodium for injection as directed by the doctor. ;

3. Malignant tumors: Malignant tumor cells will release a procoagulant substance, stimulate the formation of thrombus in blood vessels, and then activate the fibrinolytic system, resulting in the increase of D-dimer in the blood. At this time, paclitaxel injection, Chemotherapy with injections of drugs such as cisplatin. At the same time, you can also perform surgery to remove the tumor according to the doctor's advice, which is conducive to the recovery of the disease.