5 Tips To Protect Blood Vessels From”Rust”

Author: Succeeder    

“Rusty” of blood vessels has 4 major hazards

In the past, we paid more attention to the health problems of the body’s organs, and less attention to the health problems of the blood vessels themselves. The “rusting” of blood vessels not only causes clogged blood vessels, but also causes the following damages to blood vessels:

Blood vessels become brittle and hard. Hypertension, diabetes and hyperlipidemia will accelerate the hardening of blood vessels, which in turn will further increase blood pressure by atherosclerosis, forming a vicious circle. Arteriosclerosis can lead to lipid deposition under the arterial intima and thickening of the intima, resulting in narrowing of the vascular lumen and causing internal organs or limb ischemia.

Blockage of blood vessels Blockage of arteries can cause ischemic necrosis or hypofunction of blood supply organs or limbs, such as acute cerebral infarction; chronic cerebral insufficiency can cause drowsiness, memory loss, and inability to concentrate.

Carotid artery plaque Carotid artery plaque mainly refers to carotid atherosclerotic lesions, most of which are arterial stenosis, which is a local manifestation of systemic arteriosclerosis. Patients often have both intracranial arteries and coronary arteriosclerosis of the heart, and lower extremity arteriosclerosis. Corresponding symptoms. In addition, it will increase the risk of stroke.

Varicose Veins Long-term manual workers and those who are required to stand for a long time in occupation (teacher, traffic police, salesperson, barber, chef, etc.) can cause varicose veins due to obstruction of venous blood return.

These kinds of behaviors hurt the blood vessels most

Bad lifestyle habits are the enemy of vascular health, including:

Large oil and flesh, blood vessels are easy to block. People take too much nutrients, and excess lipids and nutrients are difficult to excrete from the body and accumulate in the blood vessels. On the one hand, it is easy to deposit on the blood vessel wall to block the blood vessel, on the other hand, it will increase the blood viscosity and cause thrombus.

Smoking damages blood vessels, and it is difficult to recover after ten years. Even if you do not smoke too much, you will experience obvious atherosclerosis after ten years. Even if you quit smoking, it will take 10 years to completely repair the damage to the vascular endothelium.

Eating too much salt and sugar makes blood vessel walls wrinkled. Normal blood vessels are like a glass filled with water. They are very clear, but when people eat sweet and salty foods, the blood vessel wall cells become wrinkled. . Rough blood vessel walls are more likely to develop into high blood pressure and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Staying up late, hormones damage blood vessels. When staying up late or being overly emotional, people are in a state of stress for a long time, constantly secreting hormones such as adrenaline, which will cause abnormal vasoconstriction, slow blood flow, and blood vessels that represent a lot of “stress”.

If you don’t exercise, garbage accumulates in the blood vessels. If you don’t exercise, the waste in the blood cannot be discharged. Excess fat, cholesterol, sugar, etc. will accumulate in the blood, making the blood thick and dirty, and forming atherosclerosis in the blood vessels. Plaques and other “irregular bombs”.

Oral bacteria also damage blood vessels. Toxins produced by oral bacteria can enter the systemic blood circulation and damage the vascular endothelium. Therefore, you must not think that brushing your teeth is trivial. Brush your teeth in the morning and evening, rinse your mouth after meals, and wash your teeth every year.

5 prescriptions to protect blood vessel health

Just like a car has to go to the “4S shop” for maintenance, blood vessels need to be checked regularly. People are suggested that starting with two aspects of lifestyle and drug treatment, implement five prescriptions for preventing “movement porridge”-drug prescriptions, psychological prescriptions (including sleep management), exercise prescriptions, nutrition prescriptions, and smoking cessation prescriptions.

In daily life, they reminds the public to eat less foods that are high in oil, salt and sugar, and eat more foods that clean up blood vessels, such as hawthorn, oats, black fungus, onions and other foods. It can unclog the blood vessels and keep the blood vessel walls elastic. At the same time, vinegar is also a food that softens blood vessels and lowers blood lipids, so it should be properly taken in the daily diet.

Sitting less and moving more will open the capillaries, promote blood circulation, and reduce the probability of vascular blockage. In addition, go to bed early and get up early to keep your mood stable, so that your blood vessels can rest well, and stay away from tobacco, which can make blood vessels less injured.

Many people have thick blood because they drink less water, sweat more, and blood concentrate. This situation will be more obvious in the summer. But as long as you add water, the blood will “thin out” very quickly. In the new version of “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016)” issued by the National Health and Family Planning Commission, the average daily recommended drinking water for adults is increased from 1200 ml (6 cups) to 1500~1700 ml, which is equivalent to 7 to 8 cups of water. Preventing thick blood is also a great help.

In addition, you should pay attention to the time of drinking water. You should pay attention to hydration when you wake up in the morning, one hour before three meals, and before going to bed in the evening, and you should drink boiled water if you want to drink. In addition to drinking water in the morning and evening, many people wake up more in the middle of the night, and it is good to drink warm water when they wake up in the middle of the night. Myocardial infarction usually occurs around two o’clock midnight, and it is also important to replenish water at this time. It is best not to drink cold, it is easy to dispel drowsiness.