Is coagulation good or bad?

Author: Succeeder    

Blood coagulation generally does not exist whether it is good or bad. Blood coagulation has a normal time range. If it is too fast or too slow, it will be harmful to the human body.

Blood coagulation will be within a certain normal range, so as not to cause bleeding and thrombus formation in the human body. If the blood coagulation is too fast, it usually indicates that the human body is in a hypercoagulable state, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are prone to occur, such as cerebral infarction and Myocardial infarction, lower extremity venous thrombosis and other diseases. If the patient's blood coagulates too slowly, it is likely to have coagulation dysfunction, prone to bleeding diseases, such as hemophilia, and in severe cases, it will leave joint deformities and other adverse reactions.

A good thrombin activity indicates that the platelets are functioning well and are very healthy. Coagulation refers to the process of blood changing from a flowing state to a gel state, and its essence is the process of converting soluble fibrinogen into insoluble fibrinogen in plasma. In a narrow sense, when blood vessels are damaged, the body produces coagulation factors, which are activated in turn to produce thrombin, which finally converts fibrinogen into fibrin, thereby promoting blood coagulation. Coagulation generally also includes platelet activity.

Judging whether the coagulation is good or not is mainly through the bleeding and laboratory tests. Coagulation dysfunction refers to problems with coagulation factors, reduced quantity or abnormal function, and a series of bleeding symptoms. Spontaneous bleeding can occur, and purpura, ecchymosis, epistaxis, bleeding gums, and hematuria can be seen on the skin and mucous membranes. After trauma or surgery, the amount of bleeding increases and the bleeding time can be prolonged. Through the detection of prothrombin time, partially activated prothrombin time and other items, it is found that the coagulation function is not good, and the cause of diagnosis should be clarified.