What is a major cause of thrombosis?

Author: Succeeder    

Thrombosis is generally caused by damage to cardiovascular endothelial cells, abnormal blood flow status, and increased blood coagulation.

1. Cardiovascular endothelial cell injury: Vascular endothelial cell injury is the most important and common cause of thrombus formation, which is more common in rheumatic and infective endocarditis, severe atherosclerotic plaque ulcer, traumatic or inflammatory motion Venous injury site, etc. In addition, after hypoxia, shock, sepsis and bacterial endotoxin cause extensive endothelial damage throughout the body, the collagen under the endothelium activates the coagulation process, resulting in disseminated intravascular coagulation, and thrombus forms in the microcirculation of the whole body.

2. Abnormal state of blood flow: mainly refers to the slowing down of blood flow and the generation of eddies in blood flow, etc. The activated coagulation factors and thrombin reach the concentration required for coagulation in the local area, which is conducive to the formation of thrombus. Among them, veins are more prone to thrombus, which is more common in patients with heart failure, chronic illness and postoperative bed rest. In addition, the blood flow in the heart and arteries is fast, and it is not easy to form thrombus. However, when the blood flow in the left atrium, aneurysm, or branch of the blood vessel is slow and eddy current occurs during mitral valve stenosis, it is also prone to thrombosis.

3. Increased blood coagulation: Generally, the increase in platelets and coagulation factors in the blood, or the decrease in the activity of the fibrinolytic system, lead to a hypercoagulable state in the blood, which is more common in hereditary and acquired hypercoagulable states.

In addition, poor venous blood return can also cause it. According to the effective diagnosis of one's own disease, targeted scientific prevention and treatment can be achieved to help health recovery.