What are the common coagulation tests?

Author: Succeeder    

When blood coagulation disorder occurs, you can go to the hospital for detection of plasma prothrombin. The specific items of coagulation function test are as follows:

1. Detection of plasma prothrombin: The normal value of plasma prothrombin detection is 11-13 seconds. If the coagulation time is found to be prolonged, it indicates liver damage, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, obstructive jaundice and other diseases; if coagulation Time shortened, there may be thrombotic disease.

2. Control international normalized ratio: This is the control ratio between the patient's prothrombin time and the normal prothrombin time. The normal range of this number is 0.9~1.1. If there is a difference from the normal value, it indicates that the coagulation function has appeared The bigger the gap, the more serious the problem.

3. Detection of activated partial thromboplastin time: This is an experiment to detect endogenous coagulation factors. The normal value is 24 to 36 seconds. If the patient's coagulation time is prolonged, it indicates that the patient may have a problem of fibrinogen deficiency. It is prone to liver disease, obstructive jaundice and other diseases, and newborns may suffer from hemorrhage; if it is shorter than normal, it indicates that the patient may have acute myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, venous thrombosis and other diseases.

4. Detection of fibrinogen: the normal range of this value is between 2 and 4. If the fibrinogen rises, it indicates that the patient has acute infection and may suffer from atherosclerosis, diabetes, uremia and other diseases; If this value decreases, there may be severe hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and other diseases.

5. Determination of thrombin time; the normal range of this value is 16~18, as long as it is longer than the normal value by more than 3, it is abnormal, which generally indicates liver disease, kidney disease and other diseases. If the thrombin time is shortened, there may be calcium ions in the blood sample.

6. Determination of D dimer: The normal range of this value is 0.1~0.5. If the value is found to be significantly increased during the test, there may be cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, pulmonary embolism, and malignant tumors.