The Reasons Of Thrombosis

Author: Succeeder    

The reason of thrombosis does include high blood lipids, but not all blood clots are caused by high blood lipids. That is, the cause of thrombosis is not all because of the accumulation of lipid substances and the high blood viscosity. Another risk factor is excessive aggregation of platelets, the body's blood clotting cells. So if we want to understand how thrombus is formed, we need to understand why platelets aggregate?

Generally speaking, the main function of platelets is to coagulate. When our skin is traumatized, there may be bleeding at this time. The signal of bleeding will be transmitted to the central system. At this time, platelets will gather at the wound site and continue to accumulate in the wound, thereby blocking the capillaries and achieving the purpose of hemostasis. After we are injured, blood scabs may form on the wound, which is actually formed after platelet aggregation.


If the above situation occurs in our blood vessels, it is more common that the arterial blood vessels are damaged. At this time, platelets will gather in the damaged area to achieve the purpose of hemostasis. At this time, the product of platelet aggregation is not blood scab, but the thrombus we are talking about today. So is the thrombosis in the blood vessel all caused by the damage of the blood vessel? Generally speaking, a thrombus is indeed formed by the rupture of a blood vessel, but it is not the case of the rupture of the blood vessel, but the damage of the inner wall of the blood vessel.

In atherosclerotic plaques, if the rupture occurs, the fat deposited at this time may be exposed to the blood. In this way, platelets in the blood are attracted. After the platelets receive the signal, they will continue to aggregate here and eventually form a thrombus.

To put it simply, high blood lipids are not the direct cause of thrombosis. Hyperlipidemia is just that there are more lipids in the blood vessels, and the lipids do not condense into clusters in the blood vessels. However, if the blood lipid level continues to rise, it is very likely that atherosclerosis and plaque will appear. After these problems occur, there may be a rupture phenomenon, and the thrombus is easy to form at this time.