How do you know if you have coagulation issues?

Author: Succeeder    

Generally, symptoms, physical examinations, and laboratory examinations can be judged to judge poor coagulation function.
1. Symptoms: If there are previously reduced platelets or leukemia, and symptoms such as nausea, local bleeding, etc., you can initially judge your own coagulation function.
2. Physical examination: Usually you can go to the hospital for physical examination to effectively observe whether there are kidney bleeding, and at the same time, you can also determine whether you have poor coagulation function.
3. Laboratory examination: It can usually go to the hospital for laboratory examination, mainly including blood routine examination and routine urine examination, which can check the specific reasons for poor coagulation function.
After clarifying your physical condition, you need to actively cooperate with the doctor for treatment to avoid affecting your health.
Beijing SUCCEEDER as one of the leading brands in China Diagnostic market of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, SUCCEEDER has experienced teams of R&D,Production, Marketing Sales and Service Supplying coagulation analyzers and reagents, blood rheology analyzers, ESR and HCT analyzers, platelet aggregation analyzers with ISO13485, CE Certification and FDA listed.