How do I check myself for blood clots?

Author: Succeeder    

Thrombosis generally needs to be detected through physical examination, laboratory examination, and imaging examination.

1. Physical examination: If the presence of venous thrombosis is suspected, it will usually affect the return of blood in the veins, resulting in limb pain and swelling. In severe cases, it will also be accompanied by pale skin and no pulse at the extremities. It can be used as a preliminary inspection item for thrombosis.

2. Laboratory examination: including blood routine examination, normal coagulation examinations, biochemical examination, etc., one of the most important is D-dimer, which is a degradation product produced when fibrin complex dissolves. The fibrinolytic system will also be activated when venous thrombosis occurs. If the concentration of D-dimer is normal, its negative value is relatively reliable, and the possibility of acute thrombosis can basically be ruled out.

3. Imaging examination: The common examination method is B-ultrasound examination, through which the size, scope and local blood flow of thrombus can be seen. If the blood vessels are relatively thin and the thrombus is relatively small, CT and MRI examinations can also be used to diagnose the location of the thrombus and the specific situation of the blood vessel blockage in detail.

Once a thrombus is suspected in the body, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time, and under the guidance of the doctor, choose the appropriate examination method according to your own situation to confirm the diagnosis. And note that in daily life, you need to drink more water, exercise more, and eat more vitamin-rich foods. For patients with primary diseases, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, etc., it is necessary to actively treat the primary disease.

Beijing SUCCEEDER as one of the leading brands in China Diagnostic market of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, SUCCEEDER has experienced teams of R&D,Production,Marketing Sales and Service Supplying coagulation analyzers and reagents, blood rheology analyzers, ESR and HCT analyzers, platelet aggregation analyzers with ISO13485,CE Certification and FDA listed.