Why should pregnant and postpartum women pay attention to coagulation changes? Part Two

Author: Succeeder    

1. Disposal blood vessels coagulation (DIC)
Women during pregnancy have increased with the increase of pregnancy weeks, especially the coagulation factors II, IV, V, VII, IX, X, etc. in the late pregnancy, and the blood of pregnant women is in a high condensate. It provides a material foundation, but it is also easy to lead to the occurrence of obstetric DICs. The prone to the pathology of pathology is one of the main causes of maternal death. A survey in Japan shows that the incidence of obstetrics and gynecology DIC is 0.29%and the mortality rate is 38.9%. Among the 2471 DICs statistics in my country, pathological obstructions account for about 24.81%, second only to the infectious DIC, ranking second.
The obstetric DIC can occur during a short period of time, or a short period of time in the late pregnancy, childbirth, or postpartum. Acute perinatal bleeding (uterine contraction weakness, cervical vaginal tear, uterine rupture), purulent abortion and intrauterine infection, acute fatty liver during pregnancy, and other infectious abortion can also DIC.

2. Easy embossed
Evilism is the second largest risk factor for VTE during pregnancy, and one of the reasons for repeated abortion and infertility. Among the patients with VTE during pregnancy and postpartum, 20%-50%have suspicable disease, and the risk of obtaining sexual and genetic susceptibility increased the risk of VTE during pregnancy. For the Han people, 50%of the ease of the ethics is caused by the lack of anticoagulant protein. Anticoagulain includes PC, PS, and AT. AT is the most important physiological plasma anticoagulant, accounting for 70-80%of the physiological anticoagulant effects of the intravagged system. Elimination can prevent the occurrence of venous thrombosis and find the causes of repeated abortion and infertility.