What are the dangers of coagulation?

Author: Succeeder    

Poor blood coagulation function may lead to decreased resistance, continuous bleeding, and premature aging. Poor blood coagulation function mainly has the following hazards:

1. Decreased resistance. Poor coagulation function will cause the patient's resistance to decline, and the patient does not have enough ability to resist diseases and is prone to common diseases. For example, frequent colds, etc., need to be recuperated in time. You can eat more foods rich in vitamins and proteins in your diet, which can enhance your body's immunity and resistance.

2. Bleeding does not stop. Due to the poor coagulation function, when symptoms such as trauma or skin lesions occur, there is no way to repair them in time. There may also be symptoms of hematoma in muscles, joints, and skin. At this time, you should actively go to the hospital For treatment, you can use sterile gauze to press first to avoid the bleeding from becoming more serious.

3. Premature and premature aging: If patients with poor blood coagulation function cannot receive effective treatment for a long time, it will also cause mucosal bleeding, which will cause symptoms such as vomiting, hematuria, and blood in the stool. In severe cases, it may also cause cardiac mucosal bleeding.

Symptoms such as hemorrhage and myocardial oozing, causing arrhythmia or cardiac arrest. Cerebral hemorrhage can also cause the occurrence of melanin, causing premature aging of the patient's skin. Poor coagulation function can be seen in various diseases such as thrombotic diseases, primary hyperfibrinolysis, and obstructive jaundice. Patients need to be treated according to different causes according to the examination results. Congenital poor coagulation function can choose plasma transfusion, use prothrombin complex, cryoprecipitate therapy and other treatments. If the acquired coagulation function is poor, the primary disease must be actively treated, and blood coagulation factors must be supplemented by plasma transfusion.

Patients can usually eat more vitamin C and vitamin K to improve blood coagulation function. Pay attention to safety in daily life to avoid trauma and bleeding.