The Dangers Of Blood Clots

Author: Succeeder    

A thrombus is like a ghost wandering in a blood vessel. Once a blood vessel is blocked, the blood transport system will be paralyzed, and the result will be fatal. Moreover, blood clots can occur at any age and at any time, seriously threatening life and health.

What is even more frightening is that 99% of thrombi have no symptoms or sensations, and even go to the hospital for routine examinations at the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular specialists. It happens suddenly without any problem.

Why are blood vessels blocked?

No matter where the blood vessels are blocked, there is a common "murderer" - thrombus.

A thrombus, colloquially referred to as a "blood clot", blocks the passages of blood vessels in various parts of the body like a plug, resulting in no blood supply to the related organs, resulting in sudden death.


1.Thrombosis in the blood vessels of the brain can lead to cerebral infarction - cerebral venous sinus thrombosis

This is a rare stroke. A blood clot in this part of the brain prevents blood from flowing out and back into the heart. The excess blood can seep into the brain tissue, causing a stroke. This occurs mainly in young adults, children and infants. Stroke is life-threatening.


2.A myocardial infarction occurs when a blood clot occurs in a coronary artery—thrombotic stroke

When a blood clot blocks blood flow to an artery in the brain, parts of the brain begin to die. Warning signs of a stroke include weakness in the face and arms and difficulty speaking. If you think you have had a stroke, you must respond quickly, or you may be unable to speak or become paralyzed. The sooner it is treated, the better the chances of the brain recovering.


3.Pulmonary embolism (PE)

This is a blood clot that forms elsewhere and travels through the bloodstream into the lungs. Most often, it comes from a vein in the leg or pelvis. It blocks blood flow to the lungs so they can't work properly. It also damages other organs by affecting the function of oxygen supply to the lungs. Pulmonary embolism can be fatal if the clot is large or the number of clots is large.